Electives & Wednesdays
Secure Forum: All MHS classes have a secure interactive forum to communicate with tutors, parents and classmates. Tutors will use this platform to communicate about classwork and assignments.
Parents and students access the forum by signing into the website using the username & password created on the membership form and clicking on "forum".
Assignments & Supplies: Binders and notebooks will be handed out as needed for organizing course work. Homework is assigned on our interactive course forums. Class supplies required will be posted on the forum throughout the year.
Better Together: Elementary (Tues & Thurs 10:55 - 11:50 AM) (55 mins)
According to the new Wonka movie in theaters, “The secret is not the chocolate that matters, it's the people you share it with.” We will focus on the soft skills in this class that will lead us to have more time to spend with others. Time management, self care, healthy habits, and household responsibilities will be incorporated through the use of picture books and literature. If we learn how to fold and cook when young, it will be so automatic that we will have the health and time to savor and cherish our friends even more. Doing your part will lead to stronger families and eventually communities. We will begin each class with a fairy tale or high quality children’s book, and/ or short skit to introduce the soft skill. We then will practice with a hands-on tie in. We will end with a child of the day presenting in a show and tell fashion. After all, public speaking is an important life skill that is hard to emulate at home.
Principles of Engineering: Middle & High School (Tues & Thurs 10:55 - 11:50 AM) (55 mins)
This course is designed to follow the standards of the TN Department of Education for the 9th grade introductory course on engineering. It carries no prerequisites. Also included will be the Career Awareness Standards that apply to all Career and Technical Education courses. It is geared toward the more mature learning styles of those students. Middle school students can be successful if families keep this in mind. The course is a full credit with a minimum of four (4) contact hours per week. Since we will not meet that requirement, it is up to the families of the students to ensure the homework is completed. Required supplies include a basic drafting kit. These have a wide range of prices. I will work with families to determine what meets the student’s needs the best. We will cover: Safety, the Design Process, Measurement, Legal issues, Ethics, Environmental issues, Career Choices and Job Readiness. The purpose of the homework is to allow students the opportunity to meet full credit while splitting their time between classes and time at home.
Handwriting: Elementary (Wednesdays 1:00 - 1:55 PM)
Handwriting is becoming a lost skill. In this class, the children will learn how to properly write each of their letters. We will be using the “Handwriting Without Tears” program to accomplish such. Since students have already learned how to write their letters, it is important that the “new” paper be used only under my supervision as I reteach proper letter formation.
Art: Elementary (Wednesdays 2:00 - 2:55 PM) (32 Classes) (55 mins)
Art: Middle & High School (Wednesdays 1:00 - 1:55 PM) (24 Classes) (55 mins)
The nature of this class will be focused on providing insight into the practices of many worldwide cultures in the vein of artistic expression, including (but certainly not limited to) Japanese origami, ancient cave painting and clay molding, Native American hide murals, Italian Renaissance painting, Greek pillars, and African masks and bead work.
Personal Finance: Middle & High School (Wednesdays 1:00 - 1:55 PM) (24 Classes) (55 mins)
Personal Finance is a foundational course designed to inform students how individual choices directly influence occupational goals,future earning potential, and long term financial well-being. The standards in this course covers decision-making skills related to goal setting,producing income, budgeting, saving, borrowing,managing risk, and investing. The Course Helps students meet the growing complexities of personal financial management and consumer decision making. Upon completion of this course, proficient students will understand how their decisions will impact their future financial well-being. No homework will be assigned. As this is a full semester class, and we will only be meeting one day a week, every effort will be made to cover as much material as possible.
Geology: Middle & High School (Wednesdays 1:00 - 2:55 PM) (8 Classes) (1 hr 55 mins)
The study of the physical processes that shape the earth’s surface and how those processes effect humans and the environment. A combination of lab, lecture, field studies, and student research and presentations will be used to create a basic understanding of the physical processes of earth.
Geology In Person Class Dates: Aug 28, Sep 25, Oct 23, Nov 20 (2024), Jan 15, Feb 19, Mar 19, Apr 23 (2025)